DIY Charming Chalkboards

Charming chalkboards


metal frame/s
fine ply wood (cut to fit frames : ask local lad/partner/hardware with jigsaw to do it for a kiss?)
chalkboard paint from local hardware or paint shop, (tin/spray) and paint brush if using tin paint
spray paint (choose colours that are vibrant for frames)
painting mask and protective goggles/glasses 
hot glue gun/ strong metal glue
glue gun sticks
felt material
small chains (optional)

step one. 

Find some frames from local op shops/garage sale/back of cupboard.  Look passed the years of dirt and spider webs on the frames and think potential.

 step two

Clean off unwanted nastiness.

step three

Put on protective gear and cover floor/ground.  Spray paint frame/s outside. Do a few coats as per paint instructions.  Spray paint fumes are gross so PLEASE protect your lungs by wearing paint mask!


step four

Use chalkboard paint to paint pre-cut ply wood. Need a few coats. I find tin paint goes further, spray paint runs out quicker. Follow paint instructions.

 step five, nearly there

glue chalkboard ply to back of frame.

 step 6

glue felt over back of ply so it looks neat.

 All done. Attach a small chain/rope to top of frames so you can hang them. Another option is to get stands for backs so you can stand them on your kitchen table. 

Quirky Comforts selling the frames at local markets

I also made little ones and attached magnets to back so they could be used as fridge magnets

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